Volunteering Again

I had a slightly spontaneous (but not entirely unexpected) meeting with Sensei this afternoon. He called around noonish asking for some help with the podcast he wanted to start β€” mainly, where to start. So, we met at the dojo (a five-minute drive for me), drove over to Starbucks (another five-minute drive or so), and talked about podcasting over coffee. (By the way? If you’re into corporate coffee, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is delish.)

After an hour of discussion, mainly about what podcasts are and how to create them and what we want to do with ours, I went home with his new H2 recorder, a CD of original music, a password or two, and some other vital info.

This is the result.

I spent two hours on the editing and tweaking of the files (which will get progressively easier as I (we) learn the appropriate level settings for the recorder), and I spent considerably longer than that setting up the domain name and the libsyn account.

Now, I know I don’t need anything else on my plate right now, especially since I’m a.) job-hunting and b.) revamping the drum corps website. Oh, yeah, and c.) planning to do NaNoWriMo in a week. But, really, I could streamline this to a one-hour operation after zen on Wednesday nights. Aaron suggested I barter for a discount on my aikido, but Sensei suggested that this could be what I contribute to the sangha (zen community). I don’t want to get sucked into more than I should, but I know that my talents are best used, rather than left to languish. Plus, like I said before, I like to feel… not so much important, but needed, I guess.

We’ll see how this pans out. I want to be helpful, but I know that sometimes that translates to being used, depending on who I’m “helping.” I may have to cut some other projects free soon to make room for this one.

New Podcast Episode Coming Soon!

I was sitting here tonight, feeling like being a lazy slug, when the sudden urge to podcast struck me. I hooked up the handy-dandy MXL 990, printed off the notes I’d written myself TWO MONTHS AGO, and sat down to podcast about why I hadn’t been podcasting.

I’m so kewl, I even figured out how to make Movable Type post entries at a scheduled time in the future. So, Episode 11 of the Low Carb Lifestyle Podcast will be up at 8am tomorrow morning.

I’m going to try to keep a weekly schedule, complete with main topics that are recorded weeks in advance (what a concept!). I have… *counting* …eight show topics right here on a list by my desk, with two book/diet reviews ready to go and a couple more books to read yet.

So, miracle of miracles, my podcast is back! And, for those of you not eating low-carb… it’s really not going to be totally about low-carb eating. Some of my future show topics include:

  • Vinaigrette
  • Average Your Weight
  • Disappearing Low-Carb Products
  • Throwing Away Food
  • Setting Yourself Up For Success
  • Order An Appetizer
  • Positive Thinking
  • Stop When You’re Full
    (or, it doesn’t do any good to put your fork down between bites if you’re going to stuff yourself anyway)
  • Moving Outside Your Comfort Zone
  • Review: Body For Life
  • Review: Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet
  • Review: Protein Power

Basically, I’m writing down ideas that come to me at random times, and planning to write an outline about each of them and jabber about them for about 10 minutes each. Resources and references will be used heartily.

Oh, speaking of resources… I have a voicemail line! 206-984-2-EAT (2328). If you’re into the diet thing, and have some diet or exercise advice or commentary you’d like me to include on my show, please call! You’re also welcome to e-mail me mp3 files, too, if you so choose. But you know those free night and weekend minutes are eating a hole in your cell phone pocket. πŸ˜‰

Podcasting Vacation

I finally did it. I posted a message on my podcast site admitting that I may or may not be continuing my podcast.

I just have so many other things demanding my attention. The LSM site. Genealogy (sometimes). Blogging. Housework (again, only sometimes). And I tend to be really unmotivated anymore when I get home from work. I haven’t even exercised in a couple of weeks.

I actually feel as if something’s been crossed off of my perpetual to-do list. Now I have room for something else, like finishing one of my stories or writing letters to my family or cleaning my desk or my corner of the bedroom. We’ll see which gets done first. Hmph.


Have all the components of a 20-minute show recorded, despite my less-than-optimal sickly voice. Have music bed and ID bumper selected. Have list of links to include in show notes. Have “April 21st” in intro to podcast #10. Have it half-edited together.

Have to go to bed. Can’t stay up another half-hour to complete the editing and post the show notes. My clamoring public will just have to wait another day, and pick up the new episode in the Monday morning rush (when my stats invariably jump by 50 listeners or so).

So tired. Ugh. Time to go to bed.