Dinner and Dessert

I made new-to-me recipes twice in one evening! First, I made Ginger-Sesame Oats with Mushrooms and Charred Green Onions for dinner. My five-year-old son, of course, hated it.

Ginger Sesame Oats

After he went to bed, I made Cinnamon Roll Muffins. (He already knows he’ll get a muffin for breakfast tomorrow.)

Cinnamon Roll Muffins

I was pretty pleased with both endeavors, and baking after my son went to bed kept me from snacking, so that’s a win, too.

I’m well on my way to cooking/baking 50 new-to-me Recipes in 2017!

Casserole Remorse

Two casseroles

The prep time on this casserole recipe from Cooking Light may not have taken into account my lack of a lackey to be my Sous chef. That 50 minutes ended up being closer to an hour and a half — plus, I got interrupted once by my son. That was my entire stretch of “me time” that I get after my son goes to bed, and I’m not entirely sure it was worth the effort.

I may appreciate this as Time Well Spent come tomorrow, when I stick one of these in the oven for 25 minutes and poof! dinner is ready. Or in another couple of weeks, when I make the casserole I’m about to freeze.

Honestly, though, unless this is The Best Damn Casserole I’ve Ever Had, I’m unlikely to go to the trouble again.