Movable Type Upgrade

Just upgraded my blogging software, Movable Type, and added a new plug-in to incorporate my Twitter posts into my blog proper. My tweets don’t look very pretty right now, either on the site or in the RSS feed, but I hope to remedy that tomorrow evening.

Until then, sit tight and know that I’ll be working my magic soon enough…

(Wow, that doesn’t sound egotistical or anything.)

Brief Hiatus

There is a distinct possibility that I may be posting less over the next couple of weeks, as I really need to get the Lakeshoremen website ready for its October 1st launch date.

I thought it was all just busywork left, but I apparently still have some troubleshooting to do. I’m going to spend another evening on this particular problem of mine, then if I haven’t figured out why my variables aren’t talking to each other, I’ll ask my geeky homies to get my back.

So, updates will be limited in the very near future, unless something really fascinating happens in the next couple weeks (and I wouldn’t count that out entirely) or unless I really get a bug up my ass about something (again, don’t rule that out either, as I do have a couple blog entries brewing in my head).

In that same vein: if you’ve e-mailed me recently and I haven’t responded, don’t worry. I still love you. You don’t suck. I suck.

But, right now, I sleep.

Even More Linky Love!

This one’s a first: I’ve never been to this person’s website before now, so it’s not just a reciprocal link (i.e. ‘thanks for linking to me’). Michelle must have found my site from *somewhere*, and thought it blogworthy enough to blogroll. That’s my link, there, circled, right above the link to Dooce.

That’s pretty cool.

Being in someone’s blogroll is cool, I mean, not necessarily being listed next to Dooce. Although that’s pretty cool, too.

Thanks, Michelle! I appreciate the shout-out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. (Or maybe I’m just getting Aaron’s cold.)

A Non-LJ GIP (Gratuitous Icon Post)?

Well, it appears that Yahoo! has jumped on the avatar bandwagon. These apparently can be used with Yahoo! Messenger, as well. (Too bad I have no intention of getting online with any other messenger service—I use IM too rarely as it is.)

Hey, while I’m at it, here’s another me (a la Candy Bar Doll) that I made back in, oh, December, and never bothered to post.

Interesting, isn’t it, how all these cute girlie thingies have all sorts of skin and eye and hair color, but no option for build? Yeah, if I ever looked like this in real life, I’d be in the hospital for anemia or some shit.