Side Projects

I’ve been thinking up tweaks and minor add-ons for my blog lately, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it has something to do with me being more secure in my coding prowess, and confident that, given enough time and resources, I could pull some of these ideas off. Or maybe it has to do with the analytical nature of my data warehousing gig. At any rate, I keep scribbling more blog enhancement ideas into my Moleskine and letting them filter through into my Action Items list for the ongoing project of my website.

Until today. Today’s idea was so I-Can-Do-This that I wanted to try it RIGHT NOW. It killed me to have to wait until I home from work to try it out. All it consisted of was a list of Most Visited Sites on my blog, as determined by Google Analytics.

The verdict? It’ll take a little reading up and a little experimentation (especially with authentication), but I can definitely do this. I might even make a little graph to go along with. It’ll be fun!

I’m not kidding myself: I know this is a simple thing that could be done in a day’s work, if tweaking my blog were my full-time job. But, considering that a.) javascript is but one language I know kinda-sorta; and b.) I’ll be doing this when I have time in the evenings, I think I’ll be able to puzzle this out and get it live sooner rather than later.

Is it a major necessity for the site? No, not really. But it’ll be fun to prove to myself that I can do it.

Still Broken

Tried to post my Photo Thursday entry from my iPhone, and got the same problem I’ve been getting from my computer. (Which sucks, since it took me for freakin’ EVER to type out the image tag one-fingered on that little keyboard.) I wonder if it’s something to do with having HTML in the entry?

[tests preview with a URL in the entry body]

Yep, that’s it. Hmm. Guess I’ll go and repair my database? There has to be a funky unescaped character in there somewhere, gunking up the works, since I haven’t made any changes to anything lately.

Sorry for the nerdy website talk. I’ll be back to normal blogging as soon as I get this damn thing fixed.

(I might have to miss a week of Photo Thursdays. That’s disappointing.)

This Isn’t Good Timing.

This is peculiar. My tweets were posting to my blog just fine around 3pm today, but I can’t seem to make the regular Movable Type interface let me post a blog entry. It won’t work from Firefox or Safari. I’m trying this from my iPhone, to see if it’s something to do with my MT installation itself.

If this makes it through, I’ll try posting from Aaron’s computer. If not, I’ll try posting to the help forums. Gah!

It’s Official: I *heart* my iPhone

I’m all curled up on the recliner, tapping away on my iPhone. Thanks to this MT plugin, I can blog from wherever I can get a signal on my cell. Granted, it requires me to type one- or two-fingered on a tiny qwerty keyboard, but I’m getting used to that, anyway.

This will come in quite handy when we’re on vacation this summer. This will be especially handy if we can, in fact, make our iPhones work in Japan for an additional fee.

Is liveblogging your vacation cool or lame?