Making some minor tweaks to the recently redesigned blog. I have a laundry list of little things that are likely bugging no one else but me.
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Category Archives: site-related
Website Unb0rked
Hey! How about that? A simple suggestion (go back to static publishing instead of trying dynamic) proved to be the answer. I really should have thought of it myself, but I was so intent on making it work the one way I wanted.
So, you can now access my blog at or — they both point to the exact same place. Comments work again, feeds should no longer do funky things, and all is well.
I can now go back to posting normal blog entries and waiting with bated breath for my regulars to post comments. Oh, yes, and I can also go back to finishing my website redesign.
Website Still Broken
For the sake of my RSS / LJ subscribers, I’m going to leave my website broken for now. Individual entries are broken, categories are broken, and basically the only things that work right are the main page and the RSS feed. (Well, except those extra 15 duplicate entries that came down the pike tonight.)
So, until the nice gentleman from the MT forums comes through with another idea for me, or until I come across the answer elsewhere on teh intarwebs, I’ll just leave it like this. Anyone who would really want to comment on anything can either e-mail me or hit me on Twitter. Or Facebook. Or MySpace. I’m not hard to reach.
Come to think of it, maybe you should hit me up on one of those places even if you weren’t going to comment. The beauty of social networking isn’t so much that you make fake friends, or that you pretend to be closer to the friends and acquaintances you have, but that it’s that much easier to get in contact with people. Think about that.
If you can see this entry, that means my domain has successfully propagated to point to my new server. Yay!
I’m sure there will be some broken things on the site. Files missing, homegrown databases yet to be restored, other indignities of that nature. Just shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment somewhere, and I’ll address the problem as time permits.
Once things are back to how they used to be, I plan to do a major overhaul of the site. You folks who subscribe via RSS probably won’t notice much, but anyone who visits the page will see the first big blog redesign in the past three years.
I just saved myself over $100 per year by moving servers. How about that shit?
Update, just before midnight: Well, almost success, anyway. I have some troubleshooting to do regarding my fancy new add-on domain and Movable Type. If I use the add-on domain or its corresponding subdomain ( or, MT gives me a 500 Internal Server Error. If I don’t use one of those, and I use instead, I break all the links in my archive pages. Most notably, my stylesheets.
Infinite Loop
This upgrade to MT 4.1 has been an interesting journey.
Last night, when I enabled MT-Twitter, I didn’t put in the correct “regular expression” to keep it from ignoring tweets that started with “New Blog Post.” Hence, when I got to work this morning and looked at my blog, I had hourly Status Updates about my New Blog Post about my Status Update…
So, i deleted all the unnecessary duplicate posts from work, but restrained myself from using Twitter until I could get home and make sure everything would work OK, with no infinite loops.
I think I’m addicted to Twitter.
To keep myself sane, I wrote all the tweets I would have liked to have posted in an email to myself, so I could post them here:
Enjoying hearing some long-lost prog rock on my iPod. I forgot how much I like(d) Dream Theater. 10:41am
Finally have enough tasks at work that I’m using the Outlook Tasks feature. Nice. 11:17am
Should be hungry. Focusing more on other kinds of cramps at the moment. 1:00pm
Yay! I know enough about my job now to know when a piece of data was left out. 2:53pm
I need a nap. 3:58pm
Damn, you, @wilw! You got me 4:14pm
Anyway, I think my site upgrade is at a good stopping point… for now. Next up: migrating to a new server.
*girds loins in preparation*