Operation Braceface, Day 456

That’s roughly one year and three months that I’ve been in braces. If I’m to be in braces for two and a half years total, I’m past the halfway point! And if Adjustment Number Eight was uneventful, Adjustment Number Nine was nearly as much so.

My ninth adjustment actually took place on February 13th, nearly two weeks ago, but I’m just now getting around to blogging about it. I took photos and notes the day of, naturally.
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Operation Braceface: Day 295

My sixth adjustment was last week. Of course, I took photos that evening, although I knew I might not document the actual adjustment for a few days yet.

September 2013 Braces Adjustment

The focus this time around is on getting my lowers in place — closing the gaps, aligning the tops of the teeth — because they need to be in their final position before Dr. N. can determine the final position of the upper arch.
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