We haven’t had a killing frost yet in my Zone 6 garden, so David Austin Heritage English Rose still has a few flushes of bloom! She’s also setting some very large orange hips that should feed a few hungry animals this winter.
creating my own garden space
We haven’t had a killing frost yet in my Zone 6 garden, so David Austin Heritage English Rose still has a few flushes of bloom! She’s also setting some very large orange hips that should feed a few hungry animals this winter.
Iris ‘Peggy Sue’ really likes this her spot in the front garden! The blooms are so prolific that I even cut one to enjoy indoors while I work.
I moved and divided these peonies a few years back, and I remember worrying that I’d broken them into too small of sections.
Seems I had nothing to worry about — they’re thriving in their new home, and the ones that are in full sun are full of blooms every June.
Just as the last blooms of Iris ‘Peggy Sue’ faded, the white peonies began to bloom. Right when they reached their peak, the David Austin ‘Heritage’ English Rose started her first bloom flush.
This is going to be a good year for the garden. I can feel it.
(Crossposted to Instagram)