Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: April 2020

Nope, that title is not a typo. I’m going to document last month before I get into this month.

It snowed on April 15 this year, which is not as unusual in northern Ohio as people seem to think. My birthday is April 22, so I tend to remember these things. I never count out the possibility of snow until after my birthday.

Luckily, no harm came to any blooms or foliage from the snow — nothing would have come up already that couldn’t handle a little cold.

Daffodils In Bloom

The earliest of the daffodils have been in bloom for about a week. This is one of the later early blooms; I’ll have another wave of bright yellow elsewhere in my garden in a few days.

I laid down this landscape fabric last year, and transplanted the daffodils in the green, prior to blooming. I’m pleased that several of them bloomed this year! I’m sure I’ll see even more color next spring, after more of them are settled in.

It can be a little strange to realize that I’m starting to see the long view when it comes to gardening. Next fall, next spring, expanding and transplanting and letting some borders grass over on purpose.

August in the Garden

I feel like August passed me by quicker than usual, and not in a good way. The weather was either too rainy or to hot to get outside and weed, or I had other commitments (like evening karate classes twice a week for myself and my son).

Still, I did manage to get out and photograph on Bloom Day, even if I didn’t post the photos on the 15th.

The Altheas are self-sowing, and I honestly don’t really mind. It looks like the main purple one may have died this year, but other purple seedlings that I didn’t yank up last year are blooming this year. I’m OK with that, even if they’re a little crowded. Maybe I’ll prune them into a hedge and get rid of the front fence someday.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: August 2019 Continue reading