TBT: On This Day in 2003, I Admitted I Was Fat.

Diana At The Air Show

31 July 2003: My Weight Loss Plan… For Real This Time

I am fat. More than fat, I am obese. I can’t seem to locate the entry where I discussed how I’m not-quite-morbidly obese and linked to the scary Flash BMI calculator, but we’ve gone over the fact several times in the months before the wedding. I am still the same weight I was in November… which could be good or bad. I choose to be grateful that I haven’t gained any more weight. I maintain that there is some validity to the concept of a weight setpoint, since I seem to have stabilized around a given weight.

Oh, hell. I’m not going to dance around it anymore. I weigh 250lbs. *collective gasp*

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am 70 pounds overweight by the most conservative estimate. Being my ideal weight (my personal ideal weight, not what “they” say) would put me back in middle school — though I’m now about three inches taller than I was then.

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RIP, College Laundry Basket

My 20-year-old laundry basket met its fateful end during an exceptionally early morning with Connor and Daddy.

It was literally twenty years old. I’d bought it at Target, I believe, when my step-Dad, Tom, and I were buying the things I’d need for college life. The oscillating fan we bought during that same trip met its fate several years back, when one of the blades randomly flew off while the fan was running.

The laundry basket hadn’t been in the best shape for a while, with a few cracks and bendy spots. After Aaron kicked it in a fit of sleep-deprived rage, though, the brittle plastic shattered into pieces that he later found in the upstairs hallway, in our bedroom, in Connor’s bedroom, in the upstairs bathroom, even in the foyer downstairs.

When it went, it went with style.

Throwback Thursday: July 4, 2001

Kathy and Kris, Kris, Diana and Aaron at fireworks

It was the summer before my final semester of college, and I was working on-campus, taking classes, and living in the rear section of a house that had been converted to three apartments. (That would be my longest stint of solo apartment living, outside of summer rentals; after my one-year lease was up, Aaron and I moved in together.)

Aaron and I had been engaged for almost four months; Kris and Kathy were engaged but not yet married. The other Kris may have been between SO’s at the time.

The five of us met up early at our favorite fireworks spot: on the east side of Kreischer Quad, facing the intramural fields and the stadium where the fireworks display was held. I don’t remember if we all parked there in the adjacent parking lot, or if we parked in the dirt lot on the west side of campus and walked, so we’d avoid the ridiculous traffic after the fact.

Aaron and Kris

I brought my trusty Minolta X370s with tripod — and cable release, I believe — to attempt some fireworks photos. It was a manual focus camera, so it was hard to be stealthy with my candid portraits, but I don’t recall anyone really complaining about me taking pictures. That’s just how I was (and still am).

The weather was fantastic, and the clouds were as awesome as I’ve ever seen them.

Sunset Clouds Before Fireworks

I have no recollection of what we talked about for a couple of hours while we waited for sunset. Music, probably. Frank Black and the Catholics had released Dog in the Sand that January, the Afghan Whigs disbanded in February, Clutch released Pure Rock Fury in March… There was plenty of music action going on back then, but according to my ticket stub collection, we didn’t even go to any concerts that summer.

I hadn’t started blogging yet, I didn’t write about the evening in my offline journal (yes, I have it archived on CD-ROM), and I only really journaled longhand when I was feeling depressed or overwhelmed, so these pictures are the only record of that night. After over a decade of blogging, and longhand journaling before that, it seems odd not to have a written account to look back on — even though that’s normal for most people.

Finally, once the sun set, we watched the fireworks display.

Fireworks, BGSU 2001

BGSU Fireworks, 2001

Then we went home. July 4th was on a Wednesday that year, so I probably didn’t spend the night at Aaron’s apartment like I would have on a Friday or a Saturday or a long weekend.

It feels like not so long ago — but, then, it also feels like a lifetime ago.