Seen in downtown Toledo, 20 September 2019.
Category Archives: photos
Seeing the world through my viewfinder.
Heritage English Rose
Now blooming in the front garden.
Whether you subscribe to Earth-Air-Fire-Water or Wood-Fire-Earth-Metal-Water, my Zen altar has it covered.
Granted, it doesn’t get as much actual zazen (sitting meditation) love as it should, and it serves more as sunroom decor than a functioning altar lately, but either way, it makes me happy.
1st Grade Circus
My son’s elementary school has a time-honored tradition of the first-graders performing an outdoor circus for both their parents and for the kindergarten classes. Connor was a clown — his friend J was a strongman, and his friend W was a snake charmer. There were also lions, elephants, seals, acrobats, and musical monkeys.
I didn’t snag the best seat in the house for photography — somebody’s mom’s head was in my way — so I mostly just got lots of photos of my little Cleaning Clown.
Silver Palm Tower, Jewel Grande, Jamaica
Our lunchtime view from Crickets Grill, the outdoor Jamaican restaurant at the Jewel Grande.