
Zen altar

Whether you subscribe to Earth-Air-Fire-Water or Wood-Fire-Earth-Metal-Water, my Zen altar has it covered.

Granted, it doesn’t get as much actual zazen (sitting meditation) love as it should, and it serves more as sunroom decor than a functioning altar lately, but either way, it makes me happy.

1st Grade Circus

My son’s elementary school has a time-honored tradition of the first-graders performing an outdoor circus for both their parents and for the kindergarten classes. Connor was a clown — his friend J was a strongman, and his friend W was a snake charmer. There were also lions, elephants, seals, acrobats, and musical monkeys.

I didn’t snag the best seat in the house for photography — somebody’s mom’s head was in my way — so I mostly just got lots of photos of my little Cleaning Clown.

1st Grade Circus
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