20 December 2019, Tarpon Springs FL
For the curious northerners, this is just one example of what Florida looks like at Christmastime.
Seeing the world through my viewfinder.
20 December 2019, Tarpon Springs FL
For the curious northerners, this is just one example of what Florida looks like at Christmastime.
Independent learning FTW! Connor downloaded a kid-centric anatomy app for his tablet last month, just because.
Wishing you the happiest of holidays and a fantastic new year!
The school district had already called the two-hour delay the night before, so I was already planning to drop Connor off at the centralized before-school Extended Time location used for weather delays and cancellations. As it happens, I overslept like stupid, so we hadn’t left the house yet when my pocket buzzed with a school cancellation notice.
I decided to work from home and let Connor have an actual snow day.
I used part of my lunch hour to go watch Connor play in the snow.
After lunch, I went back to doing actual work. Mei was super confused about why all of her humans were at home.
Connor played Atari with his Dad for a little while before he went out by himself to play in the snow. I finally called him back inside at 5:00pm, at sunset, and he still asked me why he had to come in.
I’m glad I threw Connor a bone and let him stay home for an honest-to-goodness snow day. He had a total blast.
The Sheets Family invited us to their home last month for dinner, conversation, and s’mores — all of which were very much enjoyed.