A Little Bit Ironic

Open 7 Days

I pass this shell of a restaurant every morning on my way to work, and I chuckle to myself every time I see the sign out front. It’s a little hard to see here, but part of the decrepit lettering claims that the restaurant is “open 7 days” a week.

Considering that Dotson’s Famous BBQ & Catering Co. looks like it had its last seven days before I was even out of college, I find this highly amusing.

(Interestingly enough, I tried to find info online about when Dotson’s closed, but only found dozens of restaurant review sites with an info page for Dotson’s and no reviews.)

(Actually, this is more of the view I get on my way to work, but I got a better composition from Google Street View by going around the corner.)

When It Comes Down To It

Since I can’t seem to get motivated about my job search today, I decided to finally unpack the box of files and other goodies from my desk at work. Yes, it’s been sitting by the kitchen table for two weeks now, and I’m just now unpacking it.

What’s a little depressing is that everything regarding my employment over the last five years is now contained in three hanging folders: one labeled “Huntington Info,” one labeled “Loan Corrections DB,” and one labeled “Sky Bank Misc.”

This could actually be more than a little depressing, if I let it. Instead, I will share this little tidbit I saved for posterity (identifying information has been masked to protect… well, to protect *me*):

[letter from angry client]

Please don’t misunderstand me: we did understand and appreciate the client’s needs, and addressed the client’s concern by setting him up to receive a monthly billing statement. We were all just amused by the communication itself.

Know that this letter sits in the folder labeled “Sky Bank Misc,” and will amuse me from time to time as necessary.