The Burning Bush

OMFG. Go download this fantastic story, written by Jennifer Pelland, read by Deborah Green. Best short story EVAR. An excerpt:

“The thing is,” he said, gesturing at the book, “there’s no proof in here. It’s all just faith. My scientific mind demands rational proof!”

“What will it take?” I asked. “A burning bush?”

And then my pubic hair caught fire.

Warning: if your sense of humor regarding religion is lacking, if you are squeamish about slang referents to a woman’s pubic mound, or if you are a devout Catholic, you might want to pass on this one. I doubt that very many of my readers fall in any of these categories, though, so go download and have fun. Not work-safe.

If you like this story, consider subscribing to the Escape Pod podcast, where you can listen to other fantastic short stories by published Sci-Fi authors. I know I dig it.

Google Ads Amuse Me

Screenshot: Drum Corps For Sale on eBayHow utterly amusing. I’m sure there’s some witty comment that should go along with this Google Ad, but it’s escaping me right now. Something about various defunct corps — yes, the entire corps — gathering dust in some insano fan’s basement after having been purchased at a price-slasher discount on eBay.

VK 1996: Hey, man, can we come out now? Our NASA jumpsuits are starting to smell funny, and our families think we got deported.
High Bidder: Only after you play that song from Star Wars again…
VK 1996: Dude, you suck.

Diana is…

I couldn’t help it. I’d never done this particular meme before. So, despite the fact that I often *do* memes out of curiosity, but rarely *post* them, I’m actually posting the “[my name] is” meme.

HOWEVER. I did mine a little differently, due to the celebrity that once shared my name. I searched Google for “Diana is” -princess. And here we go…

The Diana is an all-plastic camera that was made in Kowloon, Hong Kong…
Believe it or not, I did know that.

Diana is running for office
And running, and running…

Diana is now working on her next recording, which is a Christmas album!
Um… Io Saturnalia, everybody?

Diana is currently in London, England
Or would rather be.

Diana is a town located in Lewis County, New York.
I know the kids in my grade told me I was as big (read: fat) as the whole world, but I didn’t realize I was really as big as a town.

Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results
Oh, shit. No one told me I was in Anne of the Green Gables…!

The Goddess Diana, is the Huntress and Goddess or fertility
Again, not news to me. The typo’s nice, though. Thanks.

Diana is a beautifully marked shorthair “dilute” tortoise-shell female cat
Maybe in my last life. That would explain some things.

Diana is an executive coach, lecturer, trainer and facilitator
Then why am I working at the damn bank? Can’t my agent get me a better gig?!

Diana is, was and always has been the best singer on IDOL
You better believe it, sistah.

Multimedia Amusement

I’ve gotten some highly amusing animated gifs and video files as forwards at work lately. So, if you’re ready for a page to load up several megs’ worth of bitch-slapping, fire-eating, and other random carnage, read on.
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