I kinda forgot that I can’t have brownies in the house.
Category Archives: quickblog
Status: Credit Card Number Stolen
Starting off 2019 right with a fraud alert on my main credit card. No, I did not spend $700 at Nike.com.
Status: November 27, 2018 at 12:10PM
Lost 0.2 pounds over the past two weeks. The tug-of-war between being sick and enjoying my Thanksgiving break ended in a draw. I’ll take it!
Status: November 21, 2018 at 06:43PM
Damn near positive I got food poisoning from Cracker Barrel. 💩
Status: October 17, 2018 at 08:02AM
My morning has started out with a battle of wills with my 7yo and finding half a dozen bug reports for my major work project after my day off. #firstworldproblems