Well, that was something: I got to lead Connor’s black belt boot camp briefly this morning while Mr. Turner was attending to a sick/injured student.
Category Archives: quickblog
Status: Boy Mom
Having a tween boy apparently means having to specify exactly how one washes one’s armpits.
Status: Squeaky
Sometimes, the little joys in life are the best… like introducing your son to breathing helium and talking like a munchkin.
Status: Butler Mode
Connor (age 10), first thing in the morning: I’m hungry!
Me (unamused): You wanna try that again?
Connor: OK… May I please be hungry?
Status: Halfway Up
Just dropped Connor off at Cub Day Camp, and I may have stuck around for the Duke of York song before I left… because when you’re only halfway up, you’re neither up or down. 😄