More details forthcoming, but suffice it to say that we have returned from our first post-pandemic vacation refreshed and only slightly sunburnt.
Selected to Begin Training
The email arrived in my inbox this afternoon, about five hours after I sent a message explaining Connor’s recent absence from the dojo.
I received the email in duplicate: once for Connor, and once for myself. It read, “We are excited to announce that you are invited to participate in Black Belt Testing this fall!” Attached was a document (which, had we been present at class this week, we would also have received in hard copy) detailing the upcoming mandatory meetings and test dates.
I don’t know how I feel about this.
Lately, I haven’t been in the best headspace, generally speaking. I’ve had that behind-the-eight-ball feeling for quite some time now, like I can’t summon enough cares to give about much of anything. The mind-body connection is real, and I’m getting a definite chicken-and-egg downward-spiral vibe.
I’m currently carrying some thirty pounds of fat that I DO NOT WANT, and my new nutritionist is telling me to reject “diet culture” and instead learn to listen to my body. —I don’t know if I can trust my body to know what it really needs, nutritionally speaking, especially since my brain has a dopamine problem (i.e. ADHD).
I’m not confident in my ability to meet the fitness requirements of the upcoming black belt testing — so much so that I hesitate to even write down the Black Best Testing dates on the calendar. Granted, I have a personalized strength training program at the Fitness Center at my work centered specifically on my black belt fitness requirements, so it’s not like I’m not working toward my goal… but I’m still dubious. It’s not a for-sure thing in my mind that I’ll be able to complete 40 push-ups, a two-minute forearm plank, or 1,000 jumping jacks, along with the other calisthenic requirements — not even considering the actual curriculum, which I think I do have a pretty good grasp on.
I’ll keep showing up, putting in the work, and pushing forward like I always do. Maybe I’ll surprise myself.
Raising Him Right
After watching one particular episode of his favorite cartoon, Connor asked 1.) if this game was for real, 2.) how do you play, and 3.) could we get it?
I gladly ponied up for both the Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit and the Young Adventurers book box set from Amazon. Strike while the iron is hot!
I’ve never played D&D before, although that’s only because I never had a group to play with (or maybe no one thought I’d be interested, so I never got invited to join). If Connor wants to play with me and his dad for his first campaign, one of us grown-ups is going to have to DM… and there’s an awful lot of rules to absorb.
Even though I kind of wish we could game with an experienced DM instead of going it alone, I also hope this is a fun thing we can do together as a family.
Except Aaron and I can’t seem too excited about it, or Connor won’t want to do it after all…
Twitter Update: On Your Left
Looked in my rearview mirror this morning to see “on your left” displayed legibly on the hood of the van behind me. Well played, @DavesRunning419!
Status: Halfway Up
Just dropped Connor off at Cub Day Camp, and I may have stuck around for the Duke of York song before I left… because when you’re only halfway up, you’re neither up or down. 😄