Connor’s First Stripe!

Connor earned his first stripe at Karate class on Saturday!

Top left: Miss Dennis applying Connor’s stripe
Top right: Exchanging bows
Bottom left: Exchanging fistbumps
Bottom right: Showing off his new stripe!

Connor says he likes karate kind of, except that it makes him tired. He’s definitely improving, both in physical strength and in mental focus. It’s hard, but he’s trying.

Maybe in a couple months he can join the Black Belt Club (i.e. the kids who want to keep progressing toward a black belt). Then he’ll get a wooden sword — which is really why he wants to be in BBC. 🙂

I’m a cat.

Behold! My latest purchase from Wish!

Yes, it actually fits! In Asian sizes, I’m a 3X… possibly a 4X if I want more room.

Also, I must admit that this hoodie makes me think of the Kitty Cat Dance.

(Thanks to the Know Your Meme link above, I now know what he’s saying in the lines that aren’t “Cat, I’m a kitty cat, and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance”)