Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: March 2016

Things are starting up much earlier than in the past few years here in Zone 6a/6b. Not only are the spring bulbs springing, but the crocuses are in full bloom — both the Spring Beauty crocuses I planted in the fall and the mystery yellow ones that are currently in a weird spot behind a bush next to the house and really should be relocated.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, March 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, March 2016

Indoors, tulip Angelique looked like this just a couple days ago:

Forcing Tulips

Then my unintentional overwatering took its toll and she got bulb rot. The good news is that I have about 85 other Angelique bulbs planted outside, and they’re starting to break ground. The border outside my living room window is about to look spectacular.

Also up until a day or two ago, the spider mums from my Valentine’s Day bouquet from my husband were still hanging in there. I swear, I’m going to have to plant some spider mums for cut flowers — they last forever and smell fantastic!

Spider Mums

I’d started forcing a second pot of crocuses before I knew that my cat would find them delicious… so I brought it out of the garage today and took it to work with me.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, March 2016

Nothing wrong with sprucing up my cube with a little bloom action!

Bulbs springing forth, seeds starting under the grow lights… I know it will snow at least once or twice more (the last snow is usually near my birthday in late April), but Spring is off to a rousing start.

As always, many thanks to Carol of May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day every month.

One thought on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: March 2016

  1. The Angeliques look so lovely, even if it didn’t last long. ‘Angeliques’ are one of my favorite tulips; you’re going to have a gorgeous display soon. All the little signs of spring are so encouraging, aren’t they? Happy Bloom Day!

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