Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: June 2017

In no particular order, I present to you what has been blooming in my Zone 6a/6b garden in NW Ohio over the past couple of days:

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

I’m not precisely sure what this is. This is the first year I haven’t yanked it out before it even thought about blooming. I’m hoping it’s some sort of woodland native that some creature transplanted here, as I live about half a mile from a nature preserve.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

Aggressive ground cover is aggressive. I keep thinking my front garden can peacefully coexist with this previous planting, but every year it goes bonkers during this interlude between spring and summer blooms. I guess I should be grateful… but my garden looks like a jungle if I’m not careful.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

Clematis, up by the house, behind an evergreen shrub, where it can only be appreciated from afar. I meant to divide it this year… maybe next year.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

Dortmund climbing rose is blooming awesome as ever. I want to move her elsewhere, because I want to consolidate my borders and let this particular one grass over… but she’s so established here, I’m almost afraid to try.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

I guess I shouldn’t be worried about moving roses, though, because I moved my favorite unnamed white climber from its spot beside Dortmund to a sunnier and more visible spot along the front fence early this spring, and not only is it happy, it’s blooming. The same year I moved it! Didn’t expect that at all.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

Rose campion. I love that there are some white variations popping up through the pink, and even some that are white with pink veins.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

‘Strawberry Fayre’ foxglove. I’m hoping I planted enough of it both last year and this year that it’ll self-seed and I’ll have foxgloves for the foreseeable future (without having to start a new batch from seed every year). Now that I’m sure foxgloves like this location, I’ll likely mix and match a few other varieties. Unfortunately, ‘Strawberry Fayre’ is a little droopy at the moment for lack of rain.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

I have seven or more mophead hydrangeas on my property, and I’m assuming from the one plant tag I found that they may all be ‘Nikko Blue’ (despite their tendency to bloom pink and blue on the same flower head — thanks, pH!). Most of them look something like this right about now, with greenish white flowers just barely starting to open and blush either blue or pink, depending on their location.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

This lacecap hydrangea got whacked nearly to the ground by overzealous landscapers last spring, so I’m glad to see it blooming this year. It’s highly shaded by a burning bush gone rogue, though, so I need to decide whether I’m going to move the hydrangea or prune back the burning bush-tree.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

Red-hot poker, fire poker, whatever it’s called — I love the unusual splash of color this adds.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

Spiderwort isn’t invasive in my garden — luckily enough, since I love the contrast of the purple flowers and chartreuse leaves in my shade border. It apparently only wants to bloom in the morning, though, and I only have time to photograph my blooms after work in the evening, so this is all I’ve got.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

I don’t think this lily belongs in my peony bed, but there it is. If it lived anywhere else, it would have been deer snacks by now (like most of my other lilies), but instead, it’s looking crowded and sad.

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

Then there’s this weed that’s been growing non-stop for almost six years now. Chip off the old block: he asked if he could take his camera out and photograph flowers with me. (Look closely, and you can see the red-hot poker, the unidentified woodland plant, some old allium heads, and the foxgloves in the front garden behind him.)

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2017

Finally, I leave you with a photo of my only garden gnome, bought for me by my husband a couple years back. It’s so me.

As always, many thanks to Carol of May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day on the 15th of each month!

One thought on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: June 2017

  1. Great pictures. You might want to keep the plant in the first picture. It’s a milkweed….Common Milkweed, I think. It’s the only host plant and food for Monarch Butterflies whose numbers are falling rapidly. i love the groundcover you can’t get rid of. It’s so unusual. You’re the only other person I know of who grows white campion with a pink eye. I’m hoping mine came back, I love them. Do you find the white campion invasive? I ripped out so many plants last year…they were taking over. Your gnome wouldn’t have had a chance!!

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