Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

We’ve had some hints of autumn and a swing back toward the heat of summer. Most of the summer blooms have had it with the dry conditions, but there are a few late summer and early fall blooms to be seen…

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

Pow Wow White Echinacea is in its first year in my garden, and it seems to like its new home.


Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

Nicotiana has been reliably self-sowing for the past two summers. It took a while longer to bloom this year than in the past.


Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

I have been trying to eradicate the golden rod from this particular bed for a few years now, because it looks weedy and unruly before it blooms. I clearly have not been entirely successful at ridding myself of it… and I’m honestly kind of glad to have a few of their blooms to enjoy.


Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

I’ve had this sedum in a smallish pot in my sunroom for a couple years, ever since I accidentally broke it off at the base while I was weeding one of my beds and rescued it. This year, I decided to move it into the flagging containers on the front step, joining the coleus and some creeping jenny I moved in from another border. So far, I’m liking it. I’m going for the low-maintenance container vibe… and yes, the “filler” in the background is totally weeds… but it’s green, so I’ll take it for now.


Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

Ignore the grass and weeds and just focus on the fact that these Zahara Coral Rose Zinnias have been thriving and spreading from the four plants I started indoors from seed. I think I watered them once during the summer, and the rest of the time they’ve been making it on their own.

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

I think I’ll try direct-sowing these zinnias outdoors next year, and maybe try some other varieties, too. This is the kind of annual I can get behind.


Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

I can’t forget these Japanese anemones! I believe these are September Charm windflower, but they were growing on the property when we first moved in some six years ago, so I can’t be positive.


Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September 2018

Yesterday, my son asked to borrow my “clippers” for a minute. He and his dad disappeared into the front yard, and when they returned, my son brought this Althea bloom from behind his back with a flourish and dropped dramatically to his knees.

It was super cute.

That’s what’s doing on in my NW Ohio Zone 6 garden this Bloom Day! As always, thanks to Carol of May Dreams Gardens for hosting Bloom Day on the 15th of each month!

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