Twitter Update: Unfocused

Sitting in my home office, staring at my laptop, wondering why it’s so hard to get focused this morning.

Realized I didn’t take my #ADHD meds yet. Glad this happened on a Work From Home day and not an In-Office day!

Now to keep myself on track until my meds kick in…

Twitter Update: Running

Yesterday, over my lunch break, I went on a run for the first time in a Very Long Time. It was slow and ugly, but I got it done, and I can only get stronger from here.

Somehow, despite yesterday’s ankle, knee, and back pain — today I feel better than I have in a Very Long Time.


It’s that hour between Connor’s karate class and my Krav Maga class, and we’re both taking advantage of the weather to sit outside at the picnic tables.

We’re pretty chill. Watching the other adults start to show up for the class that begins in about 15 minutes. We can hear the Beginner Youth class every time someone opens the door. We try not to chuckle too loudly at the little kids playing pretend with their parents while their siblings are finishing up their class.

I always have this idea that I’ll bring my Bluetooth keyboard and “catch up” on my blogging in that hour between Connor’s class and mine… after I finish the day’s Spanish lesson on Duolingo… and after I scroll through my Facebook feed for a few minutes… and sometimes (though not today) after talking to Mr. Turner for a while.

It’s probably about time for me to hit Publish on this, so I can go inside and get ready for class. I know I’ll enjoy it… but, in this moment, I’d almost rather just stay outside and enjoy the weather.

At Least I Can See It Coming Now

I hit the button to start writing a new post, and now I have a blank page staring back at me.

I’m here because I’m feeling kind of blah, and have felt that way for a good part of the day, for no discernible reason. Worked from home this morning, took my son to a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. Read a magazine because I didn’t want to play on my phone anymore. Ordered sushi for dinner (Connor requested a Philly roll and a Salmon Skin roll).

Haven’t wanted to do a damn thing this whole afternoon. There’s stuff I’ve wanted to get done, but nothing I wanted to take action on. I recognize this mood: if I’m not careful, I’ll end up watching YouTube for two or three hours and possibly eating an after-dinner snack and two desserts.

I received a friend request from a duplicate account on Facebook that actually does seem likely to be who they say they are. Still, though, I’m skeptical of all duplicate FB accounts. I contacted them via all other channels to verify — multiple email addresses, their other FB account — with no answer yet. I’m a little concerned, but not sure what I can do, and that’s not helping my funk right now.

If I don’t distract myself somehow, I’ll start down the path of legit reasons I have to be down on myself, and that’s definitely not helpful.

We’ll see.