I’ve had an Apple Watch for several years now, but birthday balloons are still one of my favorite things.
Category Archives: snippets
Status: Back to Work

2023 Tomato Harvest: SunSugar Cherry Tomato

This is the kind of rabbit hole I fall down when interests collide: data analysis of last year’s tomato harvest, written by hand in a notebook I bound myself, as a reminder to stop procrastinating and get this year’s seeds started and planted out in time to enjoy a proper harvest this year.
Status: Transferring Files
I’d forgotten how time-consuming it can be to properly manage one’s digital photos. That’s probably how I ended up with such a massive backlog of pics on my SD card.
Footprints in the Snow

I had just flashed my usual I Love You 🤟🏻 to Connor as the school bus pulled away. When I turned to walk back up the driveway, our matching sets of footprints stood out to me in the morning snow. We wear the same size shoe now: his men’s size 8 tread-marks are on the left, and my women’s size 10 slide-prints are on the right.
This school year is the first that Connor has taken the bus in the mornings since Kindergarten, since the elementary bus pickup conflicted with my work schedule. During those elementary years, I drove him to school — either for Extended Time in the mornings before school, or directly to school on days when I worked from home. Those short drives to school were some of the best one-on-one times I’ve had with Connor, and I had mixed feelings about losing that time with him.
Luckily for me, he still likes having me wait with him for the bus — and not just because I have the iPhone app that shows where the bus is on her route.