We have a working washing machine again after nearly two weeks without. New clutch, new motor, new gear case, new agitator doohickeys… basically, all-new guts in our 15+ year old washer. Still cheaper than buying a new one, and it works just like new again!
Status: Watching the Excitement
There’s just something about that first karate class after testing, when some kids advance to the next class and receive their new belt. There’s an excitement, an energy, that’s even more pride-filled than the first day of school.
Twitter Update: Today is…?
Hallmark of a successful staycation: losing track of what day it is.
Twitter Update: Downtown Riverwalk
Now that my dept is transitioning to working fully remote in 2023, construction on what would have been my new lunchtime ritual begins. 😓 https://t.co/ulXcyEj2LT
Twitter Update: Laundromat
Achievement Unlocked: Son’s 1st Laundromat Experience
The parts to repair our washing machine are currently on order, so I’m taking this opportunity to introduce Connor to the joys of laundromat life. I grew up doing this, but it’s a new thing for him.