Road Closed

[Taken June 22, 2019 at 10:24AM]

I took my son to Imagination Station the same day the pedestrian bridge across Summit St. was coming down. You don’t often get to stand in the middle of the road in broad daylight, much less get to watch a bridge come down, piece by piece.

Today, not only is the pedestrian bridge gone, but most of the front lobby of Imagination Station has been demolished in preparation for the Discovery Theater.


Zen altar

Whether you subscribe to Earth-Air-Fire-Water or Wood-Fire-Earth-Metal-Water, my Zen altar has it covered.

Granted, it doesn’t get as much actual zazen (sitting meditation) love as it should, and it serves more as sunroom decor than a functioning altar lately, but either way, it makes me happy.

Fun With Friends

Our friends, the Sheetses, invited us to their new abode last night for dinner, s’mores, and conversation. Their five-acre property is large and open enough to safely let the kids roam freely while the adults visited, which was awesome for all parties involved.

I hope we can do it again when it’s a little less windy and overcast; they claim the sunset over the front yard is pretty spectacular.