Well, that was something: I got to lead Connor’s black belt boot camp briefly this morning while Mr. Turner was attending to a sick/injured student.
Category Archives: snippets
Twitter Update: ADHD is Scary
The scariest thing about ADHD is that I don’t know how to make my brain work
Baxter’s Bad Day

Baxter got to visit the vet today, and I have never seen him so freaked out. He was jumping at every sound and smell, and didn’t even want to stay in my arms (or on my shoulders). He got two vaccines today, plus the vet looked in his eyes and ears and mouth and even where the sun don’t shine.
The good news is that he’s a healthy kitty — and hopefully he’ll be even healthier after we start feeding him his expensive new kibble to fix his tummy troubles. The bad news is that he was so scared he pissed in his cat carrier. Poor kitty.
Twitter Update: How to Desqueak Shoes
Confirmed #lifehack for today: sprinkling talcum powder under the insole of a squeaky shoe can silence the squeak.
Storm Clouds

Admiring the weather in between classes.