The sun has finally risen, even though it’s behind this overcast funk that just won’t quit. The cat has gotten what she wanted (breakfast) and what she didn’t really want (her morning meds). I’m not quite firing on all thrusters yet, and the cold brew won’t be ready until I get back from taking my son to day camp.
Sounds like a good time to do some freewriting.
Except my mind is a blank.
Maybe it’s a good time for some meditation practice, instead.
Peeps who have owned a Cricut machine for more than a year (@relysh): do you still use it like you did that first few months? Is it still worth having around? I’ve been thinking about getting one, especially since my son loved using a Silhouette machine at science camp this week.
Since Connor is attending a science camp downtown this week, I decided to request a temporary cube and work from the actual office instead of driving to and from downtown twice every day. Most of my team is now permanently remote, and the few of us who will be going back in-person a few days a week need to wait until our floor is fully renovated in September.
Facilities sent me a layout diagram and marked the cubes I could choose from, so I picked the cube closest to my boss’s boss. That totally paid off, as I got a tour of one of the renovated floors that’s identical to what ours will look like when it’s done. It actually looks… workable. But we’ll see.
Over my lunch break, I enjoyed an iced coffee outside (and finally used some of the birthday coffee funds from N)!
After work, I walked across the street to pick up Connor from camp, then we slogged through the heat and humidity to get back to the parking garage. On the way, we saw this great view of the High-Level Bridge, framed by the Junction building, and Connor convinced me to take a picture.
So… the last time I actually worked a full day downtown was October 2020. It surprises me to say, but it was satisfying to be back in a more formal work environment after working from home for so long.
The handle on the toilet in the half-bath had been wonky for months, not quite catching right when pushed down. I took it upon myself to order a new flush handle assembly from Amazon and install it before the old handle stopped working entirely.
It was much easier than I’d expected, and having a fancy toilet handle that matches the other fixtures is icing on the cake.